What is This?

Notes about everything offensive security


These notes are created, made, and owned by me (@deranged0tter). Cloning/Copying and representing these notes as your own are illegal and strictly forbidden.

This site is my personal collection of notes that I've taken, will take, and plan on learning about in my time as a penetration tester. I'm still in the process of migrating my notes on to this site (it's a very long and painful process as I clean my notes up) so don't expect a lot out of this site.

This isn't meant to replace the amazing resources such as https://book.hacktricks.xyz, but are simply my personal notes shared to the public.

Note that some of this information may be incorrect, not fully up to date, or just my personal preferences. This aren't meant to be best practices or the how-to for every little thing. Simply my references shared to the public.

Last updated